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Morphir Command Line Tools

At the moment, Morphir provides two CLI programs that provide the tools that morphir offers, morphir-elm and morphir. morphir-elm is the first program created and may be deprecated in the future, so we advise that you use morphir whenever possible and only use morphir-elm if the feature you intend to use isn't currently available in morphir.

Compile (Elm)​

Morphir revolves around the Intermediate Representation (IR), which is the data format for storing logic. Morphir users compile their business logic into the IR using morphir's compiler tools. For Elm-authored logic, is done through the following:

morphir-elm make
moprhir make

Options include:

Usage: morphir-elm make [options]
Usage: morphir make [options]

Translate Elm sources to Morphir IR

-p, --project-dir <path> Root directory of the project where morphir.json is located. (default: ".")
-o, --output <path> Target file location where the Morphir IR will be saved. (default: "morphir-ir.json")
-t, --types-only Only include type information in the IR, no values. (default: false)
-f, --fallback-cli Full rebuild. Only available for "morphir-elm make" (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command


Morphir contains tools to interact with, learn, and test Morphir applications. This can be invoked via:

morphir-elm develop

Options include:

Usage: morphir-elm develop [options]

Start up a web server and expose developer tools through a web UI

-p, --port <port> Port to bind the web server to. (default: "3000")
-o, --host <host> Host to bind the web server to. (default: "")
-i, --project-dir <path> Root directory of the project where morphir.json is located. (default: ".")
-h, --help display help for command

Note that the default sometimes needs to be replaced with http://localhost:3000 depending on the host environment.


Morphir provides tools to generate useful things from a Morphir IR.

morphir-elm gen

Options include:

Usage: morphir-elm gen [options]

Generate code from Morphir IR

-i, --input <path> Source location where the Morphir IR will be loaded from. (default: "morphir-ir.json")
-o, --output <path> Target location where the generated code will be saved. (default: "./dist")
-t, --target <type> Language to Generate (Scala | SpringBoot | cypher | triples | TypeScript). (default: "Scala")
-m, --modules-to-include <comma.separated,list.of,module.names> Limit the set of modules that will be included.
-h, --help display help for command

Generate Scala​

morphir-elm gen -t Scala

Options include:

  -e, --target-version <version>                                   Scala language version to Generate. (default: "2.11")
-c, --copy-deps Copy the dependencies used by the generated code to the output path. (default: false)
morphir scala-gen 

Options include:

  -i, --input <path>                                               Source location where the Morphir IR will be loaded from. (default: "morphir-ir.json")
-o, --output <path> Target location where the generated code will be saved. (default: "./dist")
-e, --target-version <version> Scala language version to Generate. (default: "2.11")
-c, --copy-deps Copy the dependencies used by the generated code to the output path. (default: false)
-m, --limitToModules <comma.separated,list.of,module.names> Limit the set of modules that will be included. (default: '')
-s, --include-codecs <boolean> Generate the scala codecs as well (default: false)
--generate-test-generic Generate generic test cases from morphir tests that can be used for testing. Since 2.74.0 (default: false)
--generate-test-scalatest Generate runnable scalatest test cases Since 2.74.0 (default: false)

Generate Json Schema​

morphir-elm gen -t JsonSchema

Options include:

  -s, --include-codecs                                             Generate JSON codecs (default: false)
-f, --filename <filename> Filename of the generated JSON Schema. (default: "")

Generate TypeScript​

morphir-elm gen -t TypeScript

Generate Turtle for semantic web technologies​

morphir-elm gen -t semantic

Generate Cypher for graph databases​

morphir-elm gen -t cypher