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Scala Backend

The Scala backend takes the Morphir IR as the input and returns an in-memory representation of files generated - FileMap The consumer is responsible for getting the input IR and saving the output to the file-system.

The transformation from the Morphir IR to the FileMap is based on the Scala AST.\ 1. Reading the Input IR \ 2. Scala Code Generation\ 3. Writing Output to File System

1. Reading Input IR​

The IR is saved on disk as JSON formatted file, morphir-ir.json. The IR (as Json) and command line option is passed to Elm through port:

worker.ports.generate.send([options, ir])

The file is received in the CLI.elm and decoded into a Decode Value.

    targetOption =
Decode.decodeValue (field "target" string) optionsJson

optionsResult =
Decode.decodeValue (decodeOptions targetOption) optionsJson

packageDistroResult =
Decode.decodeValue DistributionCodec.decodeVersionedDistribution packageDistJson

The packageDistroResult is a Morphir.IR.Distribution type which is an in memory representation of the IR.

The distribution is passed to the Scala backend to generate a FileMap

fileMap =
mapDistribution options enrichedDistro

The code generation phase consists of functions that transform the distribution into a FileMap


2. Code Generation​

The code generation consists of a number of mapping functions that map the Morphir IR types to Scala Types.


This is the entry point for the Scala backend. This function take Morphir IR (as a Distribution type) and generates the FileMap of Scala Source codes. A FileMap is a Morphir type and is a dictionary of File path and file content.



This function takes the Distribution, Package path and Package definition and returns a FileMap. This function maps through the modules in the package definition and for each module, it generate a compilation unit for each module by calling the PrettyPrinter.mapCompilationUnit which returns a compilation unit. \ A compilation unit is a record type with the following fields \

type alias CompilationUnit =
{ dirPath : List String
, fileName : String
, packageDecl : PackageDecl
, imports : List ImportDecl
, typeDecls : List (Documented (Annotated TypeDecl))



Takes a Morphir IR fully-qualified name and maps it to tuple of Scala path and name. A fully qualified name consists of packagPath, modulePath and localName.



Maps a Morphir IR fully-qualified name to Scala type reference. It extracts the path and name from the fully qualified name and uses the Scala.TypeRef constructor to create a Scala Reference type.

mapFQNameToTypeRef : FQName -> Scala.Type
mapFQNameToTypeRef fQName =
( path, name ) =
mapFQNameToPathAndName fQName
Scala.TypeRef path (name |> Name.toTitleCase)



This function maps a type declaration in Morphir to a Scala member declaration.



This function maps a module definition to a list of Scala compilation units.



Maps a custom type to a List of Scala member declaration



Maps a Morphir IR Type to a Scala type



Maps an IR value defintion to a Scala value.



Maps and IR Value type to a Scala value.



Maps an IR Pattern type to a Scala Pattern type



Maps an IR value name (List String) to a Scala value (String)


A set of Scala keywords that cannot be used as a variable name.



We cannot use any method names in java.lang.Object because values are represented as functions/values in a Scala object which implicitly inherits those methods which can result in name collisions.




3. Saving Generated Files​

The Scala backend returns a FileMap to the Typescript CLI. The fileMap returned from the backend is encoded into Json and send through the generateResult port.

fileMap =
mapDistribution options enrichedDistro
( model, fileMap
|> Ok
|> encodeResult Encode.string encodeFileMap
|> generateResult )

The generated FileMap is received in the JavaScript and parsed into a string.

const fileMap = await generate(opts, JSON.parse(morphirIrJson.toString()))

Finally, the returned files are written to disk. The complete gen() function is given below:

async function gen(input, outputPath, options) {
await mkdir(outputPath, {
recursive: true
const morphirIrJson = await readFile(path.resolve(input))
const opts = options
opts.limitToModules = options.modulesToInclude ? options.modulesToInclude.split(',') : null
const fileMap = await generate(opts, JSON.parse(morphirIrJson.toString()))

const writePromises = ([
[dirPath, fileName], content
]) => {
const fileDir = dirPath.reduce((accum, next) => path.join(accum, next), outputPath)
const filePath = path.join(fileDir, fileName)
if (await fileExist(filePath)) {
console.log(`UPDATE - ${filePath}`)
} else {
await mkdir(fileDir, {
recursive: true
console.log(`INSERT - ${filePath}`)
if ( == 'TypeScript') {
return fsWriteFile(filePath, prettier.format(content, { parser: "typescript" }))
} else {
return fsWriteFile(filePath, content)
const filesToDelete = await findFilesToDelete(outputPath, fileMap)
const deletePromises = (fileToDelete) => {
console.log(`DELETE - ${fileToDelete}`)
return fs.unlinkSync(fileToDelete)
copyRedistributables(options, outputPath)
return Promise.all(writePromises.concat(deletePromises))

Note: Generated files overwrite existing directory and contents